As well as the cost of the holiday home, you will also need to pay for your running costs at the time of purchase, and choose from three payment methods to cover your site fees. There are annual charges for these too, and some change year to year, but our experienced team will be able to give you a guide to what these costs are, and when they are to be paid.
Site fees
When you purchase a holiday home, you also need to find your dream pitch to site it. Site fees are charged separately to the holiday home price, and can be paid in three ways:
1. Pay in full before the handover of your holiday home
2. Pay in two instalments
- First instalment on or before the handover of your holiday home
- Second instalment by 1 April
3. Pay by direct debit
- First payment on or before the handover of your holiday home, either by cash or card payment
- Up to five consecutive monthly direct debit payments, all payments to be made by October
- Site fees for the following season are billed in October of each year
Water charges
Water charges are invoiced in November for the following calendar year.
Non-domestic rates
Rates are invoiced in November for the following calendar year.
Insurance runs from May to April and is included on a pro-rata basis. Insurance renewals are invoiced in April of each year. Alternatively, you can arrange your own insurance. All holiday homes must be insured.
Average gas and electric
The actual charge will depend upon the usage of your holiday home. Gas and electric costs are invoiced in arrears in November. Gas cost is based on metered usage.
Park security alarm subscription
For total peace of mind, the park security alarm provides you with 24/7 security cover all year round. It is a wireless, silent alarm system covering your holiday home, which links to your park security team.
Draining down your holiday home
At the end of each season to protect your holiday home from frost damage, you’ll need to drain it down. We’ll send you the information and costs in September of each year about how this can be carried out. You can book your drain down through the park or arrange it yourself through an appropriately qualified person.
Disconnection charges
A disconnection charge will be payable when leaving the park. Additional charges will also apply when cranes are needed or for dismantling a veranda.
Your owner account
Please note that if your account is in arrears, an interest charge will be applied to your account on a monthly basis until September. If you are having any difficulties and need to discuss your account, please contact the Owner Services team on the park for their assistance.
Site fees and running costs will be reviewed annually for the forthcoming season, all owners will be notified accordingly of any changes. Other park services are available, please ask for details.